Frugal Child Safety: Protect Your Computer!
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Have you got a funny baby who loves to turn off your computer, right in the middle of your work or writing?
If the front of your computer is flat, you can protect it with a sheet of plexiglass and some sticky-back Velcro® dots!
Just get a small piece of plexi-glass or even a plastic bread board - say about 5" by 7" (or to fit your computer) - and six Velcro® dots.
Place one side of the Velcro® dots at each corner of the plexi-glass or bread board, and one in the centre of each longer end.
Next, place the other side of the Velcro® dots on the coordinating spot across the front of your computer, covering up the ON
button. Line up the two sides of Velcro® and install your:
Frugal Baby Computer Protector TM!
If the front of your computer is not flat, don't despair! Get a flexible cutting board from the Dollar store, or keep an eye out for some clear rigid packaging, that you can wrap across the front of your computer, and fasten with Velcro® dots along each side.
This time you will need the rigid plastic to be about 8.5" by 11" (or to fit your computer).
Place three Velcro® dots along each side of the shorter end of the plastic.
Then place the coordinating dots along each side of your computer front, to match the ones on your piece of plastic.
Then just line up and fasten one side, wrap around and fasten on the other side. There you go!
NOTE: This will not stop a determined troublemaker, but is very effective for most babies and toddlers who don't really understand the frustration turning off mommy's or daddy's computer can cause!
• Parent Units PC Guard Tower Protector
• Norpro Icon Cut N Slice Flexible Cutting Boards
• Velcro Brand Sticky Back Coins 5/8 inch 15/Pkg-Clear
• Safety 1st Power Strip Cover
• Mommy's Helper Power Strip Safety Cover
Category: Child Safety, Crafts, feature
Thanks for having our daughter's pic on your site. It's been a while since that day. She has just turned 13, lol