Frugal Diapering: Make-Your-Own Diaper Clips
Rate this post:But unfortunately Di-D-Klips were discontinued many, many years ago, and they are really hard to find now.
I found using either mitten clips or adding some waterproof covered elastic to suspender clips makes a great diaper clip - and it is safer too!

I just stretched out a piece of nylon fabric over a stretched out length of elastic, and sewed a suspender clip to each end - just like the mitten clips.
Plus you could make your own tie wrap - without any sewing required!
Thanks to Catherine for this Frugal Baby Tip!

1. Bring back of cloth diaper to overlap front of diaper.
2. Clip must be pushed firmly onto diaper.
NOTE: Curity stretch gauze diapers haven't been manufactured for decades, but are now considered collectables!
If you are seeking Curity diaper products, you can most likely find them on online auction websites.
As an example, I bought my children 3 dozen Curity diapers for $11.00/dozen back in 1974 - used them on four babies, and then sold these very same diapers for $5.00 each on Ebay in the late 90's!
Making a profit of $144 selling used diapers!
So expect to pay a pretty penny for these well-loved diapers!
• Snappi Cloth Diaper Fasteners
• Teddy Bear Glove and Mitten Clips
• Dritz Mitten/Suspender Clips
• Stretchrite Cotton 3/8-inch Swimwear Elastic
• Nylon Rip-Stop White Fabric
Category: Crafts, Diaper Sewing, Diapering, feature